- SQL Parametric View Creation – Layer Preview Shows No FeaturesGEOS-11764
- Update jai-ext to latest version (1.1.30)GEOS-11763Resolved issue: GEOS-11763
- Feature Templates by feature type can not be listed via GeoServer Rest APIGEOS-11762Fernando Miño
- Add support for the clip vendor parameter to WCS as wellGEOS-11761Resolved issue: GEOS-11761Andrea Aime
- Fix a potential OOM in the KML transformationGEOS-11760Resolved issue: GEOS-11760Steve Ikeoka
- Make the CSV datastore easier to useGEOS-11759Ian Turton
- datadir-catalog-loader: Improve reliability and code qualityGEOS-11758Gabriel Roldan
- Optimize ConfigurationPasswordEncryptionHelper to Cache Encrypted Fields by Store TypeGEOS-11757Resolved issue: GEOS-11757Gabriel Roldan
- GeoServerDataDirectory's default workspace location is wrongGEOS-11756Gabriel Roldan
- AbstractCatalogFacade leaves dangling references to temporary CatalogGEOS-11755Resolved issue: GEOS-11755Gabriel Roldan
- Update to mapfish-print-v2 2.3.3GEOS-11754Resolved issue: GEOS-11754Jody Garnett
- Pass GPKG 1.2 certification OGC CITE testsGEOS-11753Peter Smythe
- Pass GeoTIFF 1.1 certification OGC CITE testsGEOS-11752Peter Smythe
- Symbolizer URL in GetLegendGraphic JSON Request is BrokenGEOS-11751
- Community module for Micrometer metricsGEOS-11750
- At zoom level 3, some of the WMS tiles are displaying a white line at the bottom row.GEOS-11749
- Resource browser downloads only first clicked fileGEOS-11748
- GeoServer does not throw JAI runtime exceptionsGEOS-11747Steve Ikeoka
- CVE-2025-27502 HighGEOS-11746
- CVE-2025-21625 HighGEOS-11745
- Hide directory location info on GWC home pageGEOS-11744Resolved issue: GEOS-11744
- Upgrade Oracle JDBC driver (ojdbc) from 8 to 11GEOS-11743Resolved issue: GEOS-11743
- Cannot edit workspace specific services as a workspace adminGEOS-11742Andrea Aime
- Enhancing Smart Data Loader with Override RulesGEOS-11741Resolved issue: GEOS-11741Fernando Miño
- Feature templating : error with WFS bbox parameter for point layersGEOS-11740
- Excessive memory usage for WMS KML output formatGEOS-11739Resolved issue: GEOS-11739Steve Ikeoka
- Prevent error when oidc provider sends empty "&state="GEOS-11738Resolved issue: GEOS-11738
- Feature templating ignoring coordinates precision in WFS settingsGEOS-11737
- Pass OGC API Features 1.0 certification OGC CITE testsGEOS-11736Peter Smythe
- Pass WMS 1.3 certification OGC CITE testsGEOS-11735Peter Smythe
- Pass WMS 1.1 certification OGC CITE testsGEOS-11734Peter Smythe
- Pass WFS 2.0 certification OGC CITE testsGEOS-11733Peter Smythe
- Pass WFS 1.1 certification OGC CITE testsGEOS-11732Peter Smythe
- Pass WFS 1.0 certification OGC CITE testsGEOS-11731Peter Smythe
- Pass WCS 1.1 certification OGC CITE testsGEOS-11730Peter Smythe
- Pass WCS 1.0 certification OGC CITE testsGEOS-11729Peter Smythe
- OGC API Tiles returns an invalid content-disposition headerGEOS-11728Andrea Aime
- OGC API Tiles tests require tile links to be available in the collections resource tooGEOS-11727Andrea Aime
- WFS GetFeature performance much slower in 2.25 en 2.26 versionsGEOS-11726Niels Charlier
- Environment parameters resolving is not working on Smart data loaderGEOS-11725Resolved issue: GEOS-11725Fernando Miño
- Layer WFS Service not respecting workspace and layer disablementGEOS-11724Resolved issue: GEOS-11724Jody Garnett
- DGGS data store should be able to translate also intersection with multipolygonGEOS-11723Resolved issue: GEOS-11723Andrea Aime
- Coverage view reader partially ignores multithreaded loadingGEOS-11722Resolved issue: GEOS-11722Andrea Aime
- mapmlusetiles, mapmlusefeatures andmapmlmultiextent should affect the layer preview link, but not read from configuration to generate the MapMLGEOS-11721Joseph Miller
- AttributeTypeInfoImpl doesn't quote names properlyGEOS-11720Resolved issue: GEOS-11720
- MapML custom projections blocked by content security policyGEOS-11719Resolved issue: GEOS-11719Steve Ikeoka
- GWC REST API - Disk Quota end-point syntax is not symetricGEOS-11718
- CVE-2024-40625 ModerateGEOS-11717Resolved issue: GEOS-11717
- WFS POST requests fail if a layer is misconfiguredGEOS-11716Resolved issue: GEOS-11716
- STAC sortby won't work with "properties." prefixed namesGEOS-11715Resolved issue: GEOS-11715Andrea Aime
50 of
SQL Parametric View Creation – Layer Preview Shows No Features
Created 3 days ago
Updated 3 days ago
Elkin G Romero Bustamante
created the Issue3 days ago
When running the
script, the workflow successfully creates a workspace, a datastore, but when creating the a SQL parametric view, the following happens:WFS
(GeoJSON): The layer shows 0 features.WMS
: The preview displays an empty white squareSteps to Reproduce:
using Docker :docker run --name vanila-gs -d -p 80:8080
Start a
container:docker run --name postgis-vanilla-gs -d -p 5435:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -e POSTGRES_USER=postgis -e POSTGRES_DB=postgis -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgis -e POSTGIS_GDAL_ENABLED_DRIVERS=ENABLE_ALL imresamu/postgis:15-3.4 GEOSERVER_URL = "http://localhost:9090/geoserver/cloud"
Clone the following repo:
git clone
Run the
file. This will create a table on thepostgis
database calledcities
, and it will insert two records. It will use thegscloud_dev_pgconfig-postgis-1
running image:cd ./gs-cloud-example/ ./ -c postgis-vanilla-gs
Get the IP Address of the PostGIS Container:
Use the command below (adjust container name as necessary):
docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' gscloud_dev_pgconfig-postgis-1
Run the
with the IP address obtained from step 1:python3 --host <your_ip>
Check the GeoServer Layer Preview:
For the
service, choose GeoJSON and verify that the layer has 0 features.For the
service, note that an empty white square is displayed.Expected Behavior:
The layer preview should display the features from the SQL parametric view.
The WFS (GeoJSON) should list the correct number of features, and the WMS service should render the layer correctly.